17–24 Jul 2013
KTH and Stockholm University Campus
Europe/Stockholm timezone

The MONODIAM-HE project : mono-crystalline diamonds for HL-LHC pixel detectors

Not scheduled
KTH and Stockholm University Campus

KTH and Stockholm University Campus

Poster Presentation Detector R&D and data handling


A new 4-year R&D endeavor, carried out by four French laboratories involved in LHC experiments (IPHC Strasbourg and LPSC Grenoble) and in material science (LSPM Villetaneuse and ICube Strasbourg), is aiming at elaborating sizable (1x1 cm^2) mono-crystalline diamonds that could be used in the inner most parts of the High-Luminosity LHC pixel detectors. Polycrystalline diamonds are already used in several collider experiments thanks to their good capability to withstand high radiation doses. Mono-crystalline diamond (MCD) sensors could feature enhanced detection properties and a more homogeneous response. After a brief presentation of the state of art of the production of MCD for particle detection, the speaker will briefly present the methodology that will be followed in this project and the first obtained results.


Jean-Marie Brom (Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien (IPHC)-Inst. Nat. Phys) Johann Collot (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))


Mr Alexandre Bes (LPSC Grenoble) Dr Alexandre Tallaire (LSPM Villetaneuse) Dr Alix Gicquel (LSPM Villetaneuse) Prof. Ana Lacoste (LPSC Grenoble) Dr Audrey Valentin (LSPM Villetaneuse) Mr Chaker Maazouzi (IPHC Strasbourg) Mr Cédric Mathieu (IPHC) Prof. Daniel Mathiot (ICube Strasbourg) Dr Dominique Muller (ICube Strasbourg) Dr François Silva (LSPM Villetaneuse) Mr Germain Boson (LPSC Grenoble) Jean-Francois Muraz (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)) Jean-Yves Hostachy (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)) Mrs Jocelyne Achard (LSPM Villetaneuse) Mr Mahfoud Yamouni (LPSC Grenoble) Mr Olivier Zimmermann (LPSC Grenoble) Mr Ovidiu Brinza (LSPM Villetaneuse) Mr Stéphane Roques (ICube Strasbourg) Mr Vianney Mille (LSPM Villetaneuse)

Presentation materials