15–19 Apr 2013
CNAF Bologna (Italy)
Europe/Rome timezone

CMDBuild: configuring a custom database for asset information to support Service Management

15 Apr 2013, 16:50
CNAF Bologna (Italy)

CNAF Bologna (Italy)

Presentation IT Infrastructure, Services, Business Continuity IT Infrastructure


Lisa Pedrazzi (T)


CMDBuild is an application finalized to manage the configuration database (CMDB) of objects and services used by the IT department of an organization, compliant with ITIL "best practices". During this talk we want to give a brief presentation of the project and the most successful . We will explain how the application could be effectively used and we will illustrate some examples to present the main mechanisms CMDBuild: - modeling an object-relational database and navigate through its data - configuration workflow (process like Service Desk, Service Catalog and the correlation with technical services and CI, Change Management and CI handling, etc.) - usage of reports and dashboards - interoperability with other systems (automatic computer inventory, monitoring system, LDAP, virtualization management, ...) - integration with geographic information systems (GIS) Then we will describe the new features in the upcoming version: views, permissions on rows and columns, lock the data sheets Finally we will discuss the bidirectional integration with modeling tools TOGAF (enterprise architecture), which will be presented in a workshop in Florence on May 28.

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