- Wolfgang Friebel (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
- Michele Michelotto (Universita e INFN (IT))
- Wolfgang Friebel (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
- Michele Michelotto (Universita e INFN (IT))
Michele Michelotto
(Universita e INFN (IT))
16/04/2013, 14:50
Computing & Batch Services
We measured HS06 on recent AMD and Intel processors. The results will be commented. As a side activity with colleagues of E-Fiscal project we compared the performances on Amazon EC2 cloud with corresponding configuration on virtual machines based on KVM
Piero Altoe'
16/04/2013, 15:15
Computing & Batch Services
The talk will provide detailed information on one of the most revolutionary platform for low power computing of recent years. The interest on power saving and maintaining a good time to solution performance is the open task of the current research on computing. Our solution based on ARM Cortex-A9 and GPU Nvidia Quadro can achieve 270 GFlops of peak performance single precision with a power...
Wolfgang Friebel
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
16/04/2013, 16:10
Computing & Batch Services
Gridengine does not come with a graphical monitoring tool to watch the
activity on the batch farm. Commercial add ons like Arco and Unisight do provide limited monitoring based on the contents of a log file which however does contain only a minimum of information on running jobs. Therefore at DESY a batch monitoring software was developed to fill the gap. The system is in place at DESY for...
Thomas Finnern
16/04/2013, 16:35
Computing & Batch Services
Splunk is a commercial software platform for collecting, searching, monitoring and analyzing machine data providing interactive real-time dashboards integrating multiple charts, reports and tables. We have been working on a Son of Grid Engine setup based on the free Splunk branch supporting standard reporting and simple job and fairshare debugging with easy chart generation and smart event...
Stefano Dal Pra
16/04/2013, 17:00
Computing & Batch Services
Default behaviour of batch systems is to dispatch jobs to the lesser
loaded host, Thus spreading jobs almost uniformly across all the nodes in the
farm. On some circumstances it is however desirable to have some kind
of jobs running in the smallest possible set of nodes. Usecases and
packing variants are discussed, and test results are presented.