3. Impact
From the knowledge of DIET Dashboard we have provided a tool, called GRUDU, to ensure deployment and reservation on the french Grid Grid'5000. For the EGEE community and the Grid'5000 community it could be intersting to share around how to use a Grid.
1. Short overview
The DIET project is focused on the development of scalable middleware with initial efforts dedicated to the distribution of the scheduling problem across multiple agents. DIET consists of a set of elements that can be used together to build applications using the GridRPC paradigm, standard from the OGF. To evaluate the performances of DIET on the french grid Grid'5000 and present its functionnalities in a demo, the DIET DashBoard and its fork GRUDU are very useful.
4. Conclusions / Future plans
The DIET Dashboard is designed to be a complete, modular, portable and powerful set of tools dedicated to a grid context. With this tool user can manage grid resources, monitor the grid itself and manage the grid middleware by designing your grid applications or using workflows and then deploying these grid applications on the grid environment. The DIET Dashboard offers a large number of modules, created to answer the different needs of tools appearing in a grid context.
URL for further information:
Provide a set of generic keywords that define your contribution (e.g. Data Management, Workflows, High Energy Physics)
Vizualisation, Deployment, Resource reservation, Workflow
If demonstration is requested please explain what visual or interactive aspects of the contribution necessitate a demonstration rather than a presentation or poster?
Two ways :
- A presentation to describe the tool (with screenshot inside)
- A demostration to show the tool in usage (using Grid'5000)