Feb 11 – 14, 2008
<a href="http://www.polydome.org">Le Polydôme</a>, Clermont-Ferrand, FRANCE
Europe/Zurich timezone

Scientific Program

  • Scientific Results Obtained Using Grid Technology

    Contributions should concentrate on scientific results that have been produced with the help of grid technology. These contributions should emphasize how grid technology enhanced the result (results obtained faster, results were more precise, results were possible only because of the grid as collaborative platform, etc.).

  • Application Porting and Deployment

    Contributions should concentrate on the functional requirements required to port an application to the grid infrastructure, emphasizing how grid technology and services meet those needs. Issues encountered when porting the application or experiences running it should be included in the presentation, if possible.

  • Existing or Prospective Grid Services

    Contributions should concentrate on developed grid middleware services or APIs. These presentations should explain the purpose of the software, typical use cases, and how the software interacts with other grid services. Deployed software should include real-world experiences with it; proposed services should provide an implementation plan.