4. Conclusions / Future plans
The PRACE project starts in January 2008 and continues until the end of 2009. The first petaflops center should be in production in 2009/10. In addition, aims at defining and setting up a legal and organisational structure involving HPC centres, national funding agencies, and scientific user communities to ensure: adequate funding for the continued operation and periodic renewal of leadership systems.
3. Impact
Utilizing high-end computing centers necessitates the development of the whole European HPC ecosystem. Close collaboration with other European flagship e-Infrastructure projects, such as EGEE and DEISA, IT industry and potential users in order to deploy technical and user-level interoperability within all levels of the performance pyramid. Technical interoperability (middleware work together, etc.) depends on user needs and obviously the same middleware may not be suitable for all types of usage. However, technical interoperability will be taken into account and maximized during the implementation phase. User-level interoperability (the same user groups can use different resources depending on their needs) between research infrastructures will benefit the whole ecosystem.
1. Short overview
The Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE) prepares the creation of a persistent pan-European HPC service, consisting of several tier-0 centres providing European researchers with access to capability computers and forming the top level of the European HPC ecosystem. PRACE will start on 1st January 2008 and is funded by the EC’s 7th Framework Program.
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Supercomputing, HPC ecosystem, petascale, interoperability, European competitiveness