4. Conclusions / Future plans
We are now testing and debugging the framework on the multi-Grid-sites using sample applications on robotics. We have achieved the messaging requirements among the master and workers by adding the IM layer on the SE services. The main difficulty was due to some malfunctioning sites, which has been attacked by adding monitoring function to our job manager module to achieve fault-tolerance. Currently, its command-line interface is in use, and also a portlet is under development to provide a GUI.
If demonstration is requested please explain what visual or interactive aspects of the contribution necessitate a demonstration rather than a presentation or poster?
3. Impact
The GridAE framework employs the master-worker paradigm with the modules below:
Interface to Framework (IF) interacts with the user. Currently, the command-line version is in use, and its portlet version (to be included in the TR-Grid portal) is under development.
Job Manager (JM) is the application initiator running on a gLite UI host. It starts up master and worker jobs, monitors them to achieve fault tolerance, and controls the iteration of the evolution process.
Instant Messaging (IM) service layer has been developed on top of gLite SE through lcg_utils calls to LCG File Catalogue. It provides messaging, using temporary files, among the master and workers running within an AE application.
Each of the worker modules calculates a series of fitness values belonging to a group of individuals using the user-defined fitness function.
Master module finds the best solutions, out of the ones provided by the workers, using the user supplied parameters for selection, crossover and mutation.
Provide a set of generic keywords that define your contribution (e.g. Data Management, Workflows, High Energy Physics)
Artifical Evolution, Messaging, Robotics, Application Framework, Master-Slave,
1. Short overview
Artificial Evolution (AE) is an approach, inspired from the famous theory of evolutions of Darwin, which can generate solutions for complex optimization problems. The approach relies on computing the "fitness" (quality) of a population of candidate solutions, and employed in many areas such as engineering, computer graphics, medical imaging. However, one limiting factor is the high cost of "fitness computation" of solution candidates, requiring it to run on federation of computational resources.
URL for further information:
Application Home: "http://gridae.ceng.metu.edu.tr/" (under development)