Provide a set of generic keywords that define your contribution (e.g. Data Management, Workflows, High Energy Physics)
Usage Record Format, Resource Usage Service, XML-Object Mapping, WLCG
1. Short overview
The main goal of WLCG-RUS project is to provide a development framework facilitating implementations of OGF Resouce Usage Service. The WLCG-RUS is designed to be extensible and allows usage records to be persistent in various storages, either XML or Relational database. With a set of abstract components implementations can provide custom solutions in accordance to deployment requirements. In addition to RUS core features, the WLCG-RUS allows advanced operations on summary usage records.
4. Conclusions / Future plans
In summary, the WLCG-RUS project provides an extensible framework for RUS implementations that bridges the gap between relational usage representation and OGF URF standard. The WLCG-RUS is going to be deployed at Rutherford Tier 1 sites and London Tier 2 sites for performance and interoperability test.
3. Impact
The WLCG-RUS design is based on the proposed framework of “Review of Grid Accoutning and Usage Monitoring”, a three-month review project funded by JISC in UK. The WLCG-RUS framework is composed of a set of abstract components that enable implementation of standard RUS core operations while allowing customization on usage data persistence in various storage format (either XML and relational database). A component known as XML-Object Mapping (XOM) is used to convert custom usage representation to standard OGF URF format, or vise versa during the execution of RUS data operations. WLCG-RUS also allows implementations to provide custom functionalities on authorization, usage filtering, operational logics, data access pattern, and summarization. Therefore the WLCG-RUS provides a flexible and extensible development framework for RUS implementations.