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In silico oncology, grid portal, HellasGrid, EGEE, grid-app, QoS
1. Short overview
A grid-enabled simulation tool for large scale in silico oncology simulations has been developed. In silico oncology aims at mathematically describing and computationally simulating the multiscale biological mechanisms that constitute the phenomenon of cancer and its response to therapeutic techniques. The application has been ported to EGEE infrastructure and a web based interface has been implemented for providing a user-friendly environment and additional QoS and management functionalities.
3. Impact
Exploitation of the vast resources provided by a grid may lead to a better understanding of the biological and clinical behavior of cancer and especially solid tumours. Furthermore, computer simulation may be employed in order to optimize treatment of cancer, by conducting a number of simulations for different therapeutic schemes based on the individual data of a patient. As the number of possible therapeutic schemes and consequently the number of simulations increases, the time required for evaluating and comparing the effects of the different schemes may become forbiddingly high. Exploiting grid computing is a very attractive solution, as the resources provided in a grid infrastructure may be efficiently used to reduce overall required execution time in a handy, cost-effective and efficient manner. Additionally, this framework guaranteed high level of QoS for the end users utilizing the experience of the past job submissions and the status of the grid infrastructure.
4. Conclusions / Future plans
This tool provides a web-based, user-friendly interface with added functionality, for performing parameter-sweep simulations on the resources provided by the EGEE infrastructure. The vast resources available in the grid enable the evaluation and comparison of different therapeutic schemes, while the access to these resources was considerably simplified through the web portal. The tool has been utilized in order to perform comparative simulations for a large number of radiotherapy schemes.