1. Short overview
It is a fact that the impact of taxes in the economy is significant. Consequently, it is very important for the Public Administration to have reliable elements and alternative scripts that are related with the effective application of tax policy. This paper presents an application which is a powerful tool for the tracing of taxation policy. The scope of this tool is to present the ongoing opportunities that grid technologies provide to many sectors, such as the sector of Public Administration.
4. Conclusions / Future plans
The application was developed with the high-level open source language Gnu Octave (edition 2.9.12). With the help of the infrastructure of Hellas Grid we were able to execute our application. The size of the produced data set was about twenty gigabytes and the execution time of the application was usually, since the availability of the grid differs each moment, little above one hour.
3. Impact
Having a vast list of historical elements relative with interaction of various factors in the tax policy, we can seek models that can be used for formulation of forecasts with regard to the future development of important tax sizes. According to these models, we can advance in control of various affairs, altering either the prices of entries or the prices of parameters of models. Because of application’s demands for memory and computational resources, it is infeasible to be executed locally in a typical computer, so a grid should be used in order to accomplish this operation. The infrastructure of Hellas Grid and Eumed Grid gives the possibility for processing big volume of data and having substantially simultaneous control of different approaches, models or scripts.
Provide a set of generic keywords that define your contribution (e.g. Data Management, Workflows, High Energy Physics)
Grid, Taxation Policy, Public Administration, Econometrics, Octave