3. Impact
A&A applications require the deployment of codes on the Grid on the fly and in a transparent way. The sharing of computing facilities between different institutes thanks to grid technology as EGEE will allow the A&A community to work in a more efficient way, to share codes and to facilitate collaborations. Thanks to EGEE, the A&A applications will allow to have a fast return of space and ground missions such as Herschel/ALMA, to more detail the physics in numerical simulations. As examples this concerns the exploitation of the theory in the virtual observatory, collaborative projects such as HORIZON, scientific preparation and exploitation of observational space and ground missions such as HERSCHEL/ALMA and design study of new instruments as CTA
1. Short overview
We present the french project for Astronomy and Astrophysics in the cluster A&A of EGEE III. The scientific interests cover a broad range of hot topics as simulations in cosmology and galaxies evolutions (HORIZON project), simulations for celestial mechanics, atomic and molecular computations, models for the interstellar medium for Herschel/ALMA observations, data-processing with workflows, design study of the Cherenkov Telescop Array for high energy astrophysics.
Provide a set of generic keywords that define your contribution (e.g. Data Management, Workflows, High Energy Physics)
Astronomy, Astrophysics, High energy physics, Cosmology
4. Conclusions / Future plans
The Astronomy and Astrophysics community is beginning to adapt simulations and reduction pipelines for Grid technology. If we have not yet experience with EGEE, we have experience on two other systems: Grid'5000 (HORIZON collaboration) and CIMENT (Astrochemistry and Radiative transfer), the Grenoble regional grid. CNRS researchers in Grenoble have been involved in the specifications and testing of CIGRI, and have demonstrated its ability to tackle large campaigns of millions of jobs.