3. Impact
First tests on the EGEE environment applied to the complete Greenland Ice Sheet
(GIS), which proved to work on a coarse computational mesh, are scheduled for
end 2007. The EGEE environment provides a reliable and economic platform to
perform production runs on high ressolution meshes that are needed for instance
for computationally extensive sensitivity studies.
1. Short overview
Current state-of-the-art ice sheet models apply scaled equations, such that even
computations of large ice masses fit in a single work station. Nevertheless,
this scaling prohibits correct numerical treatment of ice-domes, ice streams and
ice margins with a possible transition to ice-shelves. In order to address these
shortcomings the Open Source (OS) FEM software Elmer has been adapted to
simulate the dynamics of ice on high resolution meshes and introduced to the
EGEE environment.
4. Conclusions / Future plans
The OS FEM code Elmer has been ported to the EGEE environment. Currently models
for using the code as a tool for high-resolution ice-dynamics simulations are
being developed and tested within the environment. In close future they will
provide a tool to investigate ice dynamics of continental ice sheets with
resolutions down to sub-kilometer scale omitting the limitations introduced by
codes applying scaled equations, as has also been demanded in the IPCC report on
climate change.
Provide a set of generic keywords that define your contribution (e.g. Data Management, Workflows, High Energy Physics)
Finite Element, Geophysics, Glaciology, Ice Sheets,