3. Impact
File exchange between gLite and SRB is enabled. The core middleware position of gLite is enforced by the uniform SRM interfaces to major mass storage systems and even a data grid system like SRB. The specification of SRM is further endorsed and outreached. Dynamic space reservation and VO support capabilities are imposed onto SRB to furnish standard storage services to it. On the other hand, the gLite is able to take advantage of SRB federation among different administrative zones.
1. Short overview
Storage Resource Manager (SRM) is a widely adopted interface to the storage management system of production grids currently. With the heterogeneity of Grid, the best way to share data is to integrate data sources through SRM, a uniform interface with dynamic space and file management. In this project, the SRM for SRB is developed, to make the popular SRB data grid system interoperable with the EGEE infrastructure and support the SRM services for SRB, such as space reservation and VO support etc,
Provide a set of generic keywords that define your contribution (e.g. Data Management, Workflows, High Energy Physics)
data grid, data management, storage resource management, SRM, SRB, storage resource broker
4. Conclusions / Future plans
SRM services of SRB were established by this work, and made the interoperation among grid systems that benefit from and is made of SRB. In the future, SRM client could access to any of the storage systems with SRM services and the search and brokering among those SRM-enabled storage would be possible.