3. Impact
The evaluation test, reported here, addresses the needs of the bioinformatics
community engaged, in the BioinfoGRID (www.bioinfogrid.eu/) and the LIBI
(www.libi.it/) projects, in the adoption of a grid infrastructure layer at the
base of their research activities and of the Astrophysical community of the INAF
(Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica) (www.inaf.it/) interested to access data
in astronomical databases from the GRID,
The access to data from the Grid is also a crucial problem for the adoption of the
grid technology to provide services in public administration (EGG project).
These software could be integrated on the gLite grid infrastructure in order to add the possibility to access Relational Databases
4. Conclusions / Future plans
Each of the four tested software, shows some specific strength that can be helpful in some particular application environment. We will show this characteristics for each software and the final results obtained running the client in a widely distributed environment. We will highlight also the capability of each software to be integrated on the gLite infrastructure and on the work on-going in this field
Provide a set of generic keywords that define your contribution (e.g. Data Management, Workflows, High Energy Physics)
Data Management, Astrophysics, Bioinformatic, Relational Databases
1. Short overview
The problem of managing and accessing huge datasets distributed across multiple sites and stored interfaced into heterogeneous databases is common to several research areas.
We report on the comparative evaluation of four tools to access different types of data resources exposed onto Grids: G-DSE
GRelC (www.spaci.it/content.php?loc=projects&pg=prj.php&cat=gm&id=3), OGSA-DAI (www.ogsadai.org.uk/) and AMGA (amga.web.cern.ch/amg