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11–14 Feb 2008
<a href="">Le Polydôme</a>, Clermont-Ferrand, FRANCE
Europe/Zurich timezone

g-Eclipse - Grid in five minutes

12 Feb 2008, 16:00
Exhibition Hall (<a href="">Le Polydôme</a>, Clermont-Ferrand, FRANCE)

Exhibition Hall

<a href="">Le Polydôme</a>, Clermont-Ferrand, FRANCE

Demonstration Existing or Prospective Grid Services Demonstrations


Dr Harald Kornmayer (NEC Laboratories Europe)


The g-Eclipse framework requires stable and reliable basic Grid services like information systems, data replication systems and resource brokers. g-Eclipse is a JAVA application and requires either JAVA APIs or well defined WS descriptions for the basic Grid services, which are independent of the Grid operation system. For the demo, only a computer with JAVA and an arbitrary OS (Windows, Linux, MacOS) is needed.

3. Impact

The demo will prove hat the g-Eclipse framework remove the Chinese wall between local and Grid resources. Grid user can access Grid resources seamlessly by managing data, defining and submitting jobs, visualize data, etc. The demo will show that the submission of a simple job to the Grid is now possible within a few minutes with only a small knowledge about Grids.
Furthermore the shortening of the time-to-application will be demonstrated by Grid development and Grid deployment tools. A new application will be developed loacally and compiled and debugged remotely as transparent as the developer would use his local machine.
Last but not least, the benefit of the g-Eclipse framework for Grid resources provider will be demonstrated by managing remote queuing system from a graphical managing system. Such wizards will help the resource providers to reduce the time-to-service of their offered resources and services.

URL for further information:

Provide a set of generic keywords that define your contribution (e.g. Data Management, Workflows, High Energy Physics)

Tooling, Eclipse, middleware independent, Generic applications, Visualisation, Development, deploy.

4. Conclusions / Future plans

The g-Eclipse framework offers a middleware independent Grid access tool for existing Grid infrastructure. The current state of the framework will be presented by its developers including the exemplary support for gLite. The g-Eclipse framework benefits from the solid and reliable Eclipse eco system. In the future the g-Eclipse team expects more middleware supporting plugins and will therefore be able to access any existing Grid infrastructure. This will be proven with the GRIA middleware .

1. Short overview

The threshold for new Grid users to access existing Grid infrastructure is still to high due to the complexity of the whole system including different protocols, cryptic commands with many options, distributed resources in different administrative domains, etc. Grid users needs new and innovative tools to access existing Grid infrastructures in just five minutes. The g-Eclipse framework provides an eco system to seamlessly access Grid resources built on top of Eclipse (

If demonstration is requested please explain what visual or interactive aspects of the contribution necessitate a demonstration rather than a presentation or poster?

g-Eclipse is a running interactive general tool. A presentation of this framework on a poster can not demonstrate the real usage of the tool, which started to emerge to industry already.

Primary author

Dr Harald Kornmayer (NEC Laboratories Europe)



Presentation materials

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