4. Conclusions / Future plans
A new client for the BKK is being developed. The client is implemented as a python module, and includes all the functionality required by the LHCb physicists. The implementation of the module inside Ganga is still ongoing
3. Impact
The impact of a restructuring of the Bkk is immediate for the physics community of the LHCb experiment since physicists are direct users of this service. The new client of the Bkk will be also implemented in the Ganga framework, easing the way LHCb physicists can construct their analysis jobs and improving the functionality to search for replicated data at different sites
1. Short overview
The LHCb Bookkeeping is the service which aims to keep the data of the LHCb experiment coherently organised. It provides information on the provenance of data and all kinds of metadata to allow for the characterisation of the data. This service is undergoing a restructuring and reorganization to optimise its functionality and to make it suitable for handling the forthcoming data taking. In particular, the functionality which allows users to search for datasets has been replaced with a new client
Provide a set of generic keywords that define your contribution (e.g. Data Management, Workflows, High Energy Physics)
Bookkeeping, LHCb, Metadata Catalog, Data Management, Ganga