1. Short overview
We present ongoing developments and first results on porting ThIS (a Therapeutic Irradiation Simulator) on the EGEE Grid. ThIS is a Geant4 based software dedicated to the Monte-Carlo simulation of irradiations of living tissues with photons, protons or light ions beams for cancer therapy. The large number (~100000000) of simulated particles needed for only one simulation requires a very high computation time that can be considerably diminished if the application runs on the grid.
Provide a set of generic keywords that define your contribution (e.g. Data Management, Workflows, High Energy Physics)
Therapeutic Irradiation Simulator, grid, application porting, parametric jobs, data management
3. Impact
Porting ThIS on the grid is making use of a large number of grid services, from basic ones like the file catalogue to more evolved services proposed by the Workload Management System (WMS). Among the latter, we can cite the submission of parametric jobs, as well as the possibility to specify input data stored on the SE of the grid.
A parametric job causes a set of very similar jobs to be generated from one JDL file. This is exactly the case for our multiple sub-jobs. They are all the same except for the random sequence that must be different from one sub-job to another and a few other parameters.
Our application needs large input data files that cannot be passed in the input sandbox of a job. Therefore, we exploited the possibility to specify input data stored on the storage elements of the grid. Moreover, this functionality ensures that the WMS will schedule the job to a computing element close to one of the storage elements where the data is.
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4. Conclusions / Future plans
The process of porting ThIS on the EGEE Grid is currently in progress. Our first results show that the grid can bring an important amelioration in computation time. However, work still needs to be done in order to cope with delayed and failed jobs among the jobs belonging to the same simulation. As a second stage in the porting and deployment of ThIS we consider implementing a web-based grid portal that would make ThIS available for physicians and researchers who could benefit from it.