Ezio Corso
(ICTP / EU-Indiagrid team)
11/02/2008, 16:00
Application Porting and Deployment
The proposed application will automatically manage the analysis of a large mass of financial data. For each financial instrument there is a zip file: its content is one text file per trading day containing high frequency time-series information for that instrument. Overall there are 4 TB of unzipped data: compression reduces it to roughly 100 GB. One analysis run consists in launching one job...
Nikolaos Ploskas
(University of Macedonia)
11/02/2008, 16:25
Scientific Results Obtained Using Grid Technology
The regression that we used to appreciate the tax policy of Greek government is the following:
Sgovt = a0 + a1*T +a2*TR +a3*INT +a4*G
where ai, i=1, …, 4 are the coefficients of the regression and a0 is the constant term, Sgovt the Government budget deficit/surplus, TR is the Transfer Payments, INT is the Net Interest Payments and G is the Government Purchases. Due to the lack of real...
Giuseppe Iellamo
(Università di Messina)
11/02/2008, 16:50
Application Porting and Deployment
The application is divided into two different activities:
- the Multimedia Upload activity during which service providers make multimedia objects available to their customers by uploading them to the Grid Storage Elements.
- the Multimedia Streaming activity where the media are requested by end-users through a GUI. Upon these requests the media chunks are recovered, tailored and finally...