Mariusz Sterzel
13/02/2008, 16:00
Application Porting and Deployment
The current state of development of grid middleware allows easy parallel execution in case of software using any of MPI flavour. Unfortunately many chemical packages do not use MPI for parallelization therefore special treatment is needed. Gaussian can be executed in parallel on SMP architecture or via Linda. These require reservation of certain number of processors/cores on a given WN and the...
Kiril Dichev
(High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart)
13/02/2008, 16:30
Existing or Prospective Grid Services
MPI-Start was developed for the Interactive European Grid project in order to improve MPI support for its infrastructure. MPI-Start supports different MPI implementations (currently Open MPI, MPICH, MPICH2, LAM-MPI). Also, it offers support to different batch systems (currently PBS, SGE, LSF). In addition, support for MPI tools like Marmot is already integrated into MPI-Start.
fabio bellavia
(Univ. Palermo)
13/02/2008, 17:00
Scientific Results Obtained Using Grid Technology
Because most-wanted of image analysis applications as three-dimensional reconstruction, mosaicing, object recognition and classification can rely on feature detection methodology as a primary stage, it can be used to satisfy many requests of these items and more in general in the field of computer vision. Feature descriptors can be applied to identify similar regions on different images; it is...