Sergio Andreozzi
13/02/2008, 16:00
Existing or Prospective Grid Services
The current gLite middleware relies on the GLUE 1.3 information model and its implementation in LDAP in order to advertise the available resources and their characteristics in the EGEE infrastructure. In the context of the Open Grid Forum, the GLUE Working Group is defining the evolution of this information model to improve the current design and to unify a number of existing approaches in a...
Carlos Aguado Sanchez
13/02/2008, 16:20
Application Porting and Deployment
Interoperability and compliance to standards are important quality attributes of software developed for Grid environments where many different parts of an interconnected system have to interact. Compliance to standard is one of the major factors in making sure that interoperating parts of a distributed system can actually interconnect and exchange information. Taking the case of the Grid...
Per Öster
13/02/2008, 16:40
Existing or Prospective Grid Services
The objectives of PRACE are to:
• Create and implement by 2009/2010, a persistent, sustainable pan-European HPC service with several HPC leadership systems of petaflop/s performance.
• Define and establish a legal and organizational structure involving HPC centers, national funding agencies, and scientific user communities.
• Prepare for the deployment of petaflop/s systems in 2009/2010...
Xiaoyu Chen
(Brunel University)
13/02/2008, 17:00
Existing or Prospective Grid Services
The project originated from providing a RUS compliant solution for WLCG accounting, which requires collection of usage data from three operational Grids, the Open Science Grid (OSG), EGEE and NorduGrid. The collection of usage data are to be stored centrally and summarized for usage reporting on per site, per VO, per month basis. These collected usage data are persistent in relational...