12–14 Nov 2007
Europe/Zurich timezone

Characteristics of InP Particle Detectors Structures

13 Nov 2007, 16:30
40-S2-C01 (CERN)



Defect and Material Characterization Defect and Material Characterization & New Materials


Prof. Bruno Sopko (Czech Technical University (CTU))


N-type SI InP material [100] doped with Fe (deep acceptor) was initial substrate for preparation of detectors structures. P-N junction structures were produced by liquid phase epitaxy technique with Zn and Mg. Electrical and detection parameters of structures were measured and compared.

Primary author

Prof. Bruno Sopko (Czech Technical University (CTU))


Mr Dominik Chren (Department of Physics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering) Dr Dusan Nohavica (Institute of Photonics and Electronics of the ASCR) Ms Halina Kozak (Institute of Photonics and Electronics of the ASCR) Dr Karel Zdansky (Institute of Photonics and Electronics of the ASCR) Dr Michael Solar (Department of Physics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering) Dr Stanislav Pospisil (Institut of Applied and Experimental Physics IAEP) Mr Tomas Horazdovsky (Department of Physics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering) Dr Vit Sopko (Department of Physics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering) Dr Zdenek Kohout (Department of Physics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering)

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