12–14 Nov 2007
Europe/Zurich timezone

LHCb Upgrade Activities

12 Nov 2007, 10:45
40-S2-C01 (CERN)



Towards the SLHC (invited overview talks) Towards the Super-LHC (Experiments)


Lars Eklund (Department of Physics and Astronomy)


The plans for the upgrade of the LHCb experiment will be presented. The LHCb experiment plans to upgrade from its nominal instantaneous luminosity of 2x10^32 cm^-2s^-1 to around a factor of ten higher. The key elements of the upgrade will be a displaced vertex trigger at the initial level of triggering and a radiation hard vertex detector. An overview of the changes required to the full experiment will be presented, concentrating particularly on the requirements for the replacement vertex detector . A particle fluence in excess of 10^15 1 MeV neutron equivalents / cm^2 is anticipated for the inner active strips or pixels of the upgraded vertex detector.

Primary authors

Chris Parkes (Department of Physics and Astronomy) Lars Eklund (Department of Physics and Astronomy)

Presentation materials