12–14 Nov 2007
Europe/Zurich timezone

Results of a beamtest with irradiated M-Cz sensors

12 Nov 2007, 13:50
40-S2-C01 (CERN)



Full Detector Systems Full detector systems


Martin Frey (Institut fuer Experimentelle Kernphysik)


In a beamtest at CERN H2 the behaviour of irradiated and non-irradiated full-size AC-coupled strip detectors made of n-type magnetic Czochralski silicon was investigated. The sensors of the size of 4x4 cm^2, 300µm thickness with 768 strips and 50µm pitch had been produced at the Helsinki Institute of Physics. After the qualification, the sensors were irradiated with fluences between 10^14/cm^2 and 10^15/cm^2 and were tested again. Modules had been built with irradiated and non-irradiated sensors and APV electronics. The sensors' performances concerning mainly signal/noise, efficiency and resolution were tested with the help of the silicon strip detector based beam telescope SiBT. The beamtest and the results will be presented.

Primary author

Martin Frey (Institut fuer Experimentelle Kernphysik)

Presentation materials