Zornitsa Zaharieva
The presentation will give a very brief overview of the various equipment lifecycle management areas such as Design, Manufacturing, Installation, Operation, etc., as well as it will point out the corresponding central Information Systems, which are used at CERN, to cover the needs in each one of those asset management domains, e.g. EDMS, Layout, Infor/MTF, etc. The presentation will demonstrate how the challenge to keep a consistent representation of the different types of information throughout the information systems in the different asset management domains for the millions of equipment, used at CERN’s accelerators, is solved by using a set of global naming conventions. A dedicated system – the Accelerators Entities and Signals Naming Service, is set-up to provide support and to serve as a reference for the names of the objects used throughout the equipment lifecycle areas, thus enforcing the quality assurance and the links between the various information systems in order to achieve a coherent global view across the different asset management domains.