13–15 Nov 2013
Europe/Zurich timezone
There is a live webcast for this event.


Local Organizing Committee 

Pierre Bonnal DG-DI
Dr. Pierre Bonnal holds M.Sc. in mechanical and industrial engineering and in project management and a Ph.D. in industrial engineering and management. He claims a solid industrial background including work with Airbus Industrie (F); Fatigue Technology Inc. (USA); Doris Engineering (F), Areva-SGN (F) as well as more than seventeen years with CERN mainly involved with the LHC project management. In 2008, he benefited of a two-year sabbatical to join the University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland-Geneva as a professor and dean of the Department of Business Administration. As from September 2010, he is back to CERN, involved in quality and project management support to the many studies and projects on-going at CERN, including the Maintenance Management Project. Pierre is also the CERN’s scientist-in-charge of an European funded initiative called PURESAFE that aims at developing enhanced means (processes, hardware systems and software) for preventing human intervention for increased safety in infrastructures emitting ionizing radiation. Pierre is also a usual senior lecturer in project management and R&D management with the business schools of the Universities of Geneva and Lausanne in Switzerland.
Christophe Delamare GS-ASE
Marine Gourber-Pace BE-CO
Marine Pace, in the Controls group or the Beams department, leads the project of the controls system upgrade for the whole CERN accelerator complex. Being educated in theoretical physics and in telecommunication engineering, she has first worked at CERN as physicist for the optimization of the beam quality in the CERN Proton Synchrotron before working as engineer in the accelerator controls technology.

Damien Lafarge EN-HE
Damien Lafarge leads the Lifts Maintenance section of the Handling Engineering group that manages asset and maintenance for all lifts at CERN. He is a generalist engineer with a diploma from the school of engineers of Saint-Etienne (ENSMSE) and has in the past been in charge of the maintenance of the cranes at CERN and methods engineer for the maintenance of the machine tools and cranes for all Nexter sites in France.

Christophe Mugnier TE-EPC
Goran Perinić TE-CRG (Chairman)
Goran Perinic leads the methods and logistics section of the cryogenics group that provides asset and maintenance management support for the cryogenics group. He is engineer in mechanical engineering with a Diploma from the University of Karlsruhe and has in the past been in charge of the cryogenics infrastructure group at the KIT and the installation of the cryogenics system for the CMS detector at CERN. Goran is convinced that excellence is a result of teamwork.

Regis Pilon TE-EPC
Regis Pilon, in the Methodology Maintenance section of electrical power converters, is in charge of the standby team organization of accelerators interventions. The review of success and losses maintenance actions to continuous improvement for having higher availability of equipment. He works also on EIS sub-project (Important Equipment of Safety) to manage process and equipment’s concerned to protect people from hazards generated by the beam or operation machines (IEC 61508 standard).
His past experiences in industries (automotive – pharma) give us a real reference of methods processes.

Ingo Rühl EN-HE
Ingo Rühl is in charge of the Handling Engineering Group that provides transport and handling services for the technical infrastructure of CERN, accelerators and experiments. This includes the design, the tendering/procurement, the installation, the commissioning, the operation, the maintenance and decommissioning of standard industrial and custom built transport and handling equipment. After obtaining his diploma in process engineering Ingo started his career at CERN in the Cooling and Ventilation Group. He was in charge for the maintenance of the cooling and ventilation systems of the former LEP accelerator that was then replaced by the LHC before taking over the Handling Engineering Group.

Eric van Uytvinck EN-EL
Mechanical Engineer. After 15 years as CAD support for CERN mechanical design office, Eric Van Uytvinck is now in charge of software and databases for the follow up of electrical installations.
David Widegren GS-ASE
David Widegren is in charge of the Engineering Processes Support section in the GS/ASE group which provides the organization with support, training and tools for Asset Management, Product Lifecycle Management and Computer Aided Design. Before joining CERN in 1997, David ran his own consulting firm working with PDM and CAD. David has a M.Sc. degree in mechanical engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden and an MBA degree in e-business from HIG, also Sweden.
Zornitsa Zaharieva BE-CO
Zornitsa Zaharieva holds First Class Honours M.Eng. in Industrial Engineering with a specialization in Controls Systems and First Class Honours M.Sc. in Information and Communication Systems. Before joining CERN, she worked for the Bulgarian branch of Advanced Micro Controls Inc. in the capacity of Controls Systems engineer as well as served as a guest lecturer in the faculty of Mathematics and Informatics in the Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bulgaria.
Zornitsa currently works for the Controls Group in the Beams Department at CERN, where she is responsible for the Controls Configuration Service, which provides the Configuration Management facilities for the Controls System for all accelerators at CERN. She also takes care of certain quality assurance aspects related to the accelerators Controls and Operation such as the Accelerators Naming Service. Additionally she is responsible for the Alarms and Diagnostics and Monitoring Data Management activities in the Controls Group.
In her spare time Zornitsa enjoys organizing and participating as a lecturer in some of CERN's educational outreach activities such as programs for physics teachers and students

Evelyne Delucinge TE-RPA
Françoise Girard-Madoux EN-GMS