Hernan Diaz Rodriguez
(Universidad de Oviedo (ES))
Luca Bruno
Maciej Piotr Kepinski
(Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (ES))
Sonia Mallon Amerigo
Tim Schmittler
At CERN activated components of accelerators or detectors are removed from service due to maintenance or upgrades.
Radiation officers perform radiological control on each component leaving CERN’s radiation areas (≈45 km of accelerator tunnels and ≈60 access points) and assess the risks implied in transport, repair, reuse, storage, or disposal.
The need to offer an effective and sustainable service for radiological control has led to the implementation of the Traceability system for Radioactive Equipment at CERN (TREC), whose technical development strategy and main functionalities will be presented.
Luca Bruno
Hernan Diaz Rodriguez
(Universidad de Oviedo (ES))
Maciej Piotr Kepinski
(Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (ES))
Sonia Mallon Amerigo
Tim Schmittler