Philippe Gayet
Many systems in large physics facilities are controlled either by means of industrial control system or collaborative / lab dedicated control frameworks. In both case the operation teams use a presentation layer such as Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition systems (SCADA). These tools that are designed for operation team needs provide all necessary resources to monitor and pilot the physics processes and their associated infrastructure systems through online synoptics, trending, alarms, events, command list etc. To complement these online tools the operation crews use extensively logbooks to register non-conformities or operational events and eventually to communicate with equipment experts teams.
On the other side the maintenance activities are supported by means of Computer Management Maintenance Software (CMMS) that are tailored to schedule the intervention, manage the assets and spare parts, and optimize the maintenance.
The aim of this presentation is to emphasis the gain that the integration of these tools will induce on the maintenance and operation costs and efficiency. CERN use cases will be used to illustrate the potential improvements.