Assets Lifecycle Management, Quality Assurance, Safety and Availability of Facilities
- Zornitsa Zaharieva (CERN)
Zornitsa Zaharieva
14/11/2013, 08:30
The presentation will give a very brief overview of the various equipment lifecycle management areas such as Design, Manufacturing, Installation, Operation, etc., as well as it will point out the corresponding central Information Systems, which are used at CERN, to cover the needs in each one of those asset management domains, e.g. EDMS, Layout, Infor/MTF, etc. The presentation will...
Eve Fortescue-Beck
Pascal Le Roux
14/11/2013, 08:45
Asset and maintenance management tools
Oral - 15 min.
Since 2003, the Layout Service at CERN aims at documenting CERN’s Accelerators infrastructure by modeling its topographical organization into the so called "layouts", classifying and defining the accelerators’ components as Functional Positions as well as defining relationships between these components, e.g. Optical, Mechanical, Electrical, Logical. The service provides public web interfaces...
Samy Chemli
Thomas William Birtwistle
14/11/2013, 09:10
The presentation will discuss the configuration and change management methods implemented for managing the topology (‘layouts’) of all accelerators at CERN. It will cover the use and purpose of hardware baselines for documenting accelerators and facilities and the interactions with the Layout Service. We will see that the Naming Service is an integral part of the configuration process...
Fabien Antoniotti
Paulo Gomes
14/11/2013, 09:35
Practical asset management
Oral - 15 min.
The vacuum controls Section (TE-VSC-ICM) is in charge of the monitoring, maintenance and consolidation of the vacuum control systems of all accelerators and detectors in CERN; this represents 6 000 instruments distributed along 128 km of vacuum chambers, often of heterogeneous architectures and of diverse technical generations. In order to improve the efficiency of the services provided by...
Claude Dehavay
Marc Vanden Eynden
(CERN), Dr
Marine Gourber-Pace
Sylvestre Catin
Zornitsa Zaharieva
14/11/2013, 10:30
The Controls Group (BE-CO) is responsible for the specification, design, procurement, integration, installation, commissioning and operation of the Controls infrastructure for all CERN Accelerators, their transfer lines and the Experimental Areas. Support is also provided to the technical infrastructure services that rely on standard controls facilities provided by the group.
The CERN...
Anne Funken
Marc Tavlet
14/11/2013, 10:55
The aim of the Important Element for Safety (EIS), within the scope of the CERN accelerators, is to protect the personnel against beam hazards and hazards due to the operation of the machines (X-rays, electrical hazards).
To ensure and demonstrate that these safety elements are able to fulfill their safety function, a set of quality assurance principles have been defined. The main...
Hernan Diaz Rodriguez
(Universidad de Oviedo (ES)),
Luca Bruno
Maciej Piotr Kepinski
(Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (ES)),
Sonia Mallon Amerigo
Tim Schmittler
14/11/2013, 11:15
At CERN activated components of accelerators or detectors are removed from service due to maintenance or upgrades.
Radiation officers perform radiological control on each component leaving CERN’s radiation areas (≈45 km of accelerator tunnels and ≈60 access points) and assess the risks implied in transport, repair, reuse, storage, or disposal.
The need to offer an effective and sustainable...
Andrea Apollonio
(Vienna University of Technology (AT)), Dr
Benjamin Todd
Laurette Ponce
14/11/2013, 11:35
Data analysis, KPIs and reporting
Oral - 30 min.
The Large Hadron Collider at the European Organization for Nuclear Research is the world's most powerful particle accelerator, being one of the largest and most complicated machines envisaged to date.
LHC sub-systems must be designed to be sufficiently reliable, with sufficient safety, having an acceptable impact on machine availability. The operation and exploitation of dependable systems...