Tools for maintenance management and operation support
- Ingo Ruehl (CERN)
Damien Lafarge
15/11/2013, 08:30
Zornitsa Zaharieva
15/11/2013, 08:45
David Widegren
15/11/2013, 09:00
Asset and maintenance management tools
Oral - 30 min.
CERN has been using a commercial CMMS system, called Infor EAM, for more than 20 years and this tool is currently used on an organizational-wide basis to manage both the site infrastructure as well as a large part of the accelerator complex. Over 400 users are regularly working with the application and the overall usage corresponds to some 150.000 Work Orders completed annually for a total of...
Damien Lafarge
15/11/2013, 09:30
Asset and maintenance management tools
Oral - 30 min.
As part of its compliance with its host states’ radiation protection legislation CERN has to ensure strict access control along with traceability of radiation doses received by personnel intervening in accelerators areas.
Accelerators areas at CERN are mainly underground and so space is expensive and therefore limited. Space limitation along with the need for many different teams to intervene...
Julian Brower
15/11/2013, 11:00
Asset and maintenance management tools
Oral - 45 min.
The First Line Diagnosis system (FLD) is a PC based system, incorporating an interactive fault analysis tool and technical knowledge base, for use by crew members running the ISIS accelerator. By using valuable time efficiently and effectively, in the first instance FLD aims to decrease the response time to resolve high consequence, high impact faults. With both Online and Offline versions,...