As well as introductory talks, overview of the accelerator upgrades and the planning in the four LHC experiments, the workshop will cover the following aspects in relation to the HL-LHC programme:
- physics goals, theoretical developments and required experiment performance reach;
- tracking devices and associated electronics and readout;
- calorimetry and associated electronics and readout;
- muon systems and associated electronics and readout;
- trigger, data acquisition, online and offline computing plus software;
- common electronics and read-out system issues;
- long shutdown constraints, radiation and activation effects;
- accelerator and experiment interface.
The workshop will focus on the physics requirements and subsequent technology research and development needs, with a view towards identifying synergies and common approaches where further collaboration between experiments could be of benefit. The intention is to produce a short report, based on the outcomes of the workshop, to present to the Plenary ECFA meeting of 21st and 22nd November, and to identify areas for further joint HL-LHC workshops.
- physics goals, theoretical developments and required experiment performance reach;
- tracking devices and associated electronics and readout;
- calorimetry and associated electronics and readout;
- muon systems and associated electronics and readout;
- trigger, data acquisition, online and offline computing plus software;
- common electronics and read-out system issues;
- long shutdown constraints, radiation and activation effects;
- accelerator and experiment interface.
The workshop will focus on the physics requirements and subsequent technology research and development needs, with a view towards identifying synergies and common approaches where further collaboration between experiments could be of benefit. The intention is to produce a short report, based on the outcomes of the workshop, to present to the Plenary ECFA meeting of 21st and 22nd November, and to identify areas for further joint HL-LHC workshops.