AAHEP7 Information Provider Summit
Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel (Stony Brook University)
Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, New York, US
Annette Holtkamp
Bernard Louis Hecker,
Hans-Thorsten Schwander
Mark Doyle
The 7th Summit of Information Providers in Astronomy, Astrophysics and High Energy Physics will be hosted by APS and held at Stony Brook University. Attendees will include representatives of INSPIRE, ADS, arXiv, journal publishers, and others involved in providing access to information in these fields.
This meeting follows on from 6 previous meetings in the series:
- 2012, CERN: http://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=209651
- 2011, Cornell: https://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=128826
- 2010, Harvard: http://conf.adsabs.harvard.edu/AAHEP4/
- 2009, Fermilab: http://indico.fnal.gov/conferenceProgram.py?confId=2473
- 2008, DESY: https://indico.desy.de/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=800
- 2007, SLAC: https://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=11611
By Invitation Only
Reception at hotel Hilton Garden Inn, Stony Brook University
Hilton Garden Inn, Stony Brook University
Convener: Mark Doyle (American Physical Society) -
Dinner (on your own) Hotel, Stony Brook, or University
Hotel, Stony Brook, or University
Breakfast Wang Center, Chapel
Wang Center, Chapel
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, New York, US -
Welcome! Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, New York, USConvener: Mark Doyle (American Physical Society) -
Updates from participants: OUP Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Stony Brook University
Convener: Neil Scriven (OUP) -
Updates from participants: IHEP/CPC Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Stony Brook University
Convener: Runsheng Yu (B) -
Updates from participants: PHENIX Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Stony Brook University
Convener: Brant Johnson (Brookhaven National Laboratory) -
Updates from participants: arXiv Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Stony Brook University
Convener: Simeon Warner (Cornell University, USA) -
Updates from participants: INSPIRE Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Stony Brook University
Convener: Dr Annette Holtkamp (CERN) -
Updates from participants: ADS Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Stony Brook University
Convener: Alberto Accomazzi (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics) -
Updates from participants: SISSA/Medialab Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Stony Brook University
Convener: Enrico Maria Balli (Sissa Medialab) -
Updates from participants: Springer Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Stony Brook University
Convener: Guenther Eichhorn (Springer) -
Updates from participants: Elsevier Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Stony Brook University
Convener: Eleonora Presani (Elsevier) -
Coffee break Wang Center, Chapel
Wang Center, Chapel
Stony Brook University
Making data exchange more efficient Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, New York, USConvener: Hans-Thorsten Schwander (SLAC/Stanford) -
Making data exchange more efficient: Elsevier - full text data mining Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, New York, USConvener: Eleonora Presani (Elsevier) -
Making data exchange more efficient: APS harvest API, CrossRef/Prospect Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, New York, USConvener: Mark Doyle (American Physical Society) -
Making data exchange more efficient: Cited reference exchanges Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, New York, USConvener: Dr Annette Holtkamp (CERN) -
Making data exchange more efficient: EDP Sciences - File formats, images and videos Wang Center, Lecture Hall
Wang Center, Lecture Hall
Stony Brook University
Conveners: Daniel Grunberger (E), Hans-Thorsten Schwander (SLAC/Stanford) -
Lunch Various choices
Various choices
Stony Brook University
Data Session Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, New York, USConvener: Sunje Dallmeier-Tiessen (Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin (DE)) -
Data Session: Mike Whalley - HEP Data Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, New York, USConvener: Dr Michael Whalley (Durham University) -
Data Session: Elsevier Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, New York, USConvener: Eleonora Presani (Elsevier) -
Data Session: invited speaker: Kyle Cranmer, New York University Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, New York, USConvener: Kyle Stuart Cranmer (New York University (US)) -
Data Session: CERN Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Stony Brook University
Data Session: general discussion Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, New York, US -
coffee break Wang Center, Chapel
Wang Center, Chapel
Stony Brook University
Authors and affiliations: Inspire Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, New York, USConvener: Dr Annette Holtkamp (CERN) -
Authors and affiliations: Inspire: ORCID Wang Center, Lecture Hall
Wang Center, Lecture Hall
Stony Brook University
Convener: Simeon Warner (Cornell University, USA) -
Authors and affiliations: Inspire: Institutional identifiers Wang Center, Lecture Hall
Wang Center, Lecture Hall
Stony Brook University
Convener: Alberto Accomazzi (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics) -
Authors and affiliations: Inspire: general discussion Wang Center, Lecture Hall
Wang Center, Lecture Hall
Stony Brook University
Dinner (Group, APS sponsored) Pentimento, Stony Brook Village
Pentimento, Stony Brook Village
coffee break Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, New York, US -
Taxonomy updates: APS Taxonomy Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Stony Brook University
Convener: Arthur Smith (APS) -
Taxonomy updates: ADS - Unified Astronomy Thesaurus Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, New York, USConvener: Alberto Accomazzi (ADS) -
Taxonomy updates: DESY: HEP Thesaurus Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Stony Brook University
Convener: Kirsten Sachs (DESY) -
Taxonomy updates: Discussion Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Stony Brook University
Wrap up Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Wang Center, Lecture Hall and Chapel
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, New York, US