7–9 Apr 2014
Royal Holloway, University of London
Europe/London timezone
Institute of Physics 2014 Joint High Energy Particle Physics and Astro Particle Physics Groups Annual Meeting

A software framework and toolkit for developing simulations of 2D pixel detectors

8 Apr 2014, 16:00
Room A (Windsor Building)

Room A

Windsor Building

contributed talk Detectors and Accelerators, Near and Far Future Parallel 2A


Mr Ashley Joy (UCL)


X-CSIT (X-ray Camera SImulation Toolkit) is a software framework and toolkit for creating simulations of 2D X-ray pixel detectors. As a toolkit, X-CSIT is designed to be highly modular and adaptable to the wide variety and variations found in X-ray cameras. X-CSIT is under development at UCL for European XFEL, and will be used to create simulations of the three bespoke 2D detectors at European XFEL, AGIPD, LPD and DSSC. These simulations and X-CSIT will be integrated into the European XFEL software framework, Karabo, and through that be available to users to aid with planning of experiments and analysis of data. In addition X-CSIT will be released standalone publicly for other users, collaborations and groups to create simulations of their own detectors.


Announcing X-CSIT, a software framework and toolkit for creating simulations of 2D X-ray pixel detectors.


Mr Ashley Joy (UCL)

Presentation materials