Francis Oliver Newson
(University of Birmingham (GB))
Heavy neutrinos are predicted by many beyond-the-Standard-Model theories of
particle physics, with proposed masses ranging from a few eV/$c^{2}$ up to the
Planck scale. Two-body kaon decays provide a method to search for these
particles in a model independent manner, for masses between 100 MeV/$c^{2}$ and
388 MeV/$c^{2}$. In 2007, the NA62 experiment at CERN collected a large sample of
charged kaon decays with a low intensity beam and minimum bias trigger
conditions, which can be used to put limits on the mixing between heavy
neutrinos and the Standard Model muon neutrino. Here, the method is discussed
and the predicted sensitivity is compared with existing limits in the
NA62 can perform peak searches in existing data from kaon decays to place limits on the existence of heavy neutrinos.
Francis Oliver Newson
(University of Birmingham (GB))