Chamkaur Ghag
(University College London)
The LZ dark matter experiment will require an unprecedented low background rate within its fiducial volume, defining strict constraints on radioactivity from construction materials that is further mitigated through the combination of powerful self-shielding from liquid xenon, 3D event vertex reconstruction, and external veto detector systems. An aggressive screening campaign with cutting-edge instrumentation must be performed, prior to construction, to measure the trace levels of radioisotopes in materials and construct the experiments background model.
To provide sufficient sensitivity for LZ and next generation rare event search experiments we are re-developing the UK’s low-background screening capability. New ultra-low background HPGe detectors will be installed at the Boulby Underground Laboratory, itself undergoing substantial facility re-furbishment, to provide high sensitivity gamma spectroscopy for all DMUK and neutrino-less double beta decay interests. Dedicated low-activity mass spectrometry instrumentation is being developed at UCL for part per trillion level contaminant identification to complement underground screening for complete assays and deliver crucial throughput demands. Finally, emanation screening at UCL, developed for SuperNEMO, delivers mitigation of radon background inaccessible to gamma or mass spectrometry techniques.
Chamkaur Ghag
(University College London)