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Common paths for CLIC and ILC BDS

6/2-004 (CERN)



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Before the meeting Tauchi san distributed this very interesting information concerning the ILC crossing angle:
"Yokoya-san presented an issue of crossing angle at the local ILC-detector meeting at KEK.
You can download his presentation from ,
where you will be asked for user/password which are displayed in a pop-up menu."
Rogelio started the meeting. A good goal would be to have a consolidated plan with hopefully first
results for the upcoming LCWS in Tokyo.
The CERN plans were given as:
-continuing with CLIC and ILC lattice design, optimization and tuning studies
-Tools development: MAPCLASS and PLACET
-Magnet designs & prototyping
-ATF2 commissioning
-ATF2 R&D: GM feedback, jitter source identification, Ultra-low beta*, QD0 prototype and octupoles
CERN BDS manpower is not increasing.
Jenny List explained that they are performing polarimetry design and spin tracking in the ILC BDS
plus detector development. Currently there is no extra manpower to take more studies. Rogelio
proposed  that a collaboration with CLIC could be established via a student from Turkey who will
visit CERN in October since DESY has all the tools and expertise for polarimetry design and spin
tracking. Jenny was very positive.
Tauchi reported in news and plans for KEK. Despite the very heavy load from ATF2 Okugi san has been able to perform ILC optics studies in order to compare to ATF2 using SAD. A key topic in which KEK (ATF) can strongly contribute is Commissioning plan.
Following the news of the site choice KEK is preparing a budget request to the Ministry. The Ministry seems to be positive and supportive. Response is not known yet. If successful these funds could be used to establish a new department to support the ILC project with additional staff. This should be international constituting a pre-ILC organization. A possible goal could be a new TDR. ATF2 has requested 5 more years of operation starting from next year. Official answer is not known yet.
Michele showed the current status and plans concerning magnet design and prototyping for CLIC, ILC and ATF2 in CERN. A hybrid QD0 CLIC prototype has already been built and only minor discrepancies when using NbFeB material were observed. A future SD0 prototype using the same concept will aid in understanding the limitations. Various options for the ATF2 QD0 hybrid prototype were presented together with two thin normal conducting octupoles. A hybrid QD0 design for ILC was also presented.
The CERN management is very supportive of these studies. Prototyping can start for any of the presented designs upon request.
Tauchi san mentioned that the ILC has no anti-solenoid and that a hybrid QD0 would certainly need it. Benno and Andrei requested direct comparisons with the ILC SC  QD0 in terms of size and cost. Daniel clarified that cost should not be a driver for this single and critical item. Nick remarked that the main reason for considering a hybrid QD0 was the lack of verification of the SC technology. Phil asked concerning consequences of moving QD0 out of the detector and whether this was considered in ILC. There was consensus that the luminosity performance would be affected and that this is still considered only a back-up solution for CLIC and that is not yet considered in ILC.
Bennot List presented the current structure dealing with documentation that defines the lattices and the process to update the design. Documentation is currently in EDMS (user-id provided upon email request). Lattices are in SVN (user-id also provided upon email request). A new repository could be made available for development purposes. The entire system is based in MAD8 files and computer codes exist to transfer the "lattice functions into tunnels". 3D views of the different concurrent beam lines are provided.
Andrei asked how will lattices be verified when other codes are used?, as Okugi having translated ILC lattices to SAD. Nick answered that this is indeed a challenge and it would be nice if somebody would be willing to take this task. AML or XML lattice descriptions could help. It was suggested that maybe initiative should come from KEK.
Andrea Latina presented how CERN studies arrange lattices and tracking frameworks in SVN repositories. In particular the different codes are handled totally independent being the responsibility of the user to do consistency checks.
Inputs for the most common codes are provided in the SVN repository. In this scenario Andrea mentioned that AML or XML would only add a level of complication. Benno recommended to use top level menus as they are and exploit the branches functionality. Daniel mentioned that ILC and CLIC are at different stages, like there is no final unchangeable baseline for CLIC.
Phil Burrows and Andrei Seryi presented the status and plans in JAI/Oxford. They are planning to take on new activities in beam dynamics, ground motion, feedback and luminosity performance for ILC and CLIC. A new postdoc within the K-contracts framework would be appropriate. A new postdoc between JAI and DIAMOND could look into the synchrotron light source and the ILC DR issues.
Angeles Faus-Golfe stated that situation in her laboratory is critical.
IFIC plans to pursue m-OTR studies for emittance and coupling measurements in ILC & CLIC RTMLs. This includes optics optimization to allow optimal reconstructions. There are other collaborations with LAL in a Halo collimator device for ATF2 and with CERN concerning the CLIC DR extraction kickers R&D.
The outcome of the m-OTR study could be directly applied to the post-linac emittance measurement plus the suitability of the technology could be studied in the future.
Glen White reported the SLAC plans. There is some uncertainty for the FY14 budgets. Nevertheless they foresee extra contributions to:
-optics decks
-lattice design and optimization
-collimation design and performance
-alternative for IR solenoid mitigation
First checks have revealed some discrepancies in the length between different lattice versions.
Nick announced that next week the charges for the LCWS will be announced.
This will be excellent material for the next meeting.
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 09:00 09:15
      Opening 15m
      Speaker: Dr Rogelio Tomas Garcia (CERN)
    • 09:15 09:30
      KEK/ATF2/Japan plans 15m
      Speaker: Tauchi, T. (KEK)
    • 09:30 09:45
      Progress with FFS magnets for CLIC, ILC and ATF2 15m
      Speaker: Michele Modena (CERN)
    • 09:45 10:00
      Existing ILC lattice repositories and other options 15m
      Speaker: Benno List (DESY)
    • 10:00 10:15
      CLIC SVN based lattice repositories 15m
      Speaker: Dr Andrea Latina (CERN)
    • 10:15 10:30
      Alternative lattices for ILC and plans 15m
      Speaker: Philip Bambade (Universite de Paris-Sud 11 (FR))
    • 10:30 10:45
      Oxford plans 15m
      Speaker: Prof. Philip Burrows (Oxford University)
    • 10:45 11:00
      Valencia plans 15m
      Speaker: Angeles Faus-Golfe (Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) UV-CSIC)
    • 11:00 11:15
      SLAC plans 15m
      Speaker: Glen White (SLAC)