ELENA Project Review
31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre (CERN)
The Extra Low Energy Antiproton ring (ELENA) is a CERN project aiming at constructing a small ~30 m circumference synchrotron equipped with an electron cooler to further decelerate antiprotons injected from the Antiproton Decelerator AD at a kinetic energy of 5.3 MeV down to 100 keV. At present, most experiments receive the beam directly from the AD at an energy of 5.3 MeV and further slow down antiprotons to ~5keV using foils and then trap them. ELENA will decelerate antiprotons and in addition cool them with electron cooling. With thinner foils required to reach an energy suitable for the trapping, the efficiency can be increased by one to two orders of magnitude. Furthermore, the intensity available per AD cycle lasting about 100 s will be distributed into several bunches allowing the experiments to take beam over longer periods.
Review Committee:
V.Lebedev (FNAL, chair), M.Benedikt (CERN), M.Chanel (CERN-retired), S.Gilardoni (CERN), M.Grieser (Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg), S. Møller (Aarhus Univ)
The ELENA project and technical design will be presented with emphasis an possibly critical aspects like electron cooling at very low energies, beam instrumentation for low intensities, the design of long electrostatic transfer lines transferring the beam from the extraction to experiments and the construction of magnets for very low magnetic fields. The review board members will provide feedback with their opinion on the feasibility of the project and possible advice for improvements and further studies helps us improving the project. In particular:
Review Committee:
V.Lebedev (FNAL, chair), M.Benedikt (CERN), M.Chanel (CERN-retired), S.Gilardoni (CERN), M.Grieser (Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg), S. Møller (Aarhus Univ)
The ELENA project and technical design will be presented with emphasis an possibly critical aspects like electron cooling at very low energies, beam instrumentation for low intensities, the design of long electrostatic transfer lines transferring the beam from the extraction to experiments and the construction of magnets for very low magnetic fields. The review board members will provide feedback with their opinion on the feasibility of the project and possible advice for improvements and further studies helps us improving the project. In particular:
- Are possible limitations and performance to be expected properly analyzed and adequately addressed?
- Is the technical design sound and likely to meet the expected performance?
- Have any possibly overlooked issues or showstoppers been identified?