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- Davide Aguglia (CERN - TE/EPC)
Markus Aicheler
(Helsinki Institute of Physics (FI))
- Speaker at CLIC related activities at HIP
Avni Aksoy
(University of Ankara (TR))
- Speaker at Report from design/parameter CLIC FEL WG
Javier Alabau Gonzalvo
- Speaker at Coupling simulations for the CLIC DR
- Niloufar Alipour Tehrani (Eidgenoessische Tech. Hochschule Zuerich (CH))
Ugo Amaldi
(TERA Foundation (IT))
- Speaker at The TERA TULIP project
Robert James Apsimon
- Speaker at Transverse Feed-Forward for the RTML
Samir Arfaoui
- Speaker at Update on Scintillator Studies at CERN
Kurt Artoos
- Speaker at Status of the MB quad nano-positioning
Hannes Bartosik
- Speaker at Electron cloud instability for the CLIC DR
- Carolina Belver Aguilar (Universidad de Valencia (ES))
- Stefano Benedetti (TERA Foundation (IT))
Michael Benedikt
- Speaker at FCC overview
Mathieu Benoit
- Speaker at Thin-sensor R&D: status and plans
Jean-Jacques Blaising
(Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
- Speaker at Photon reconstruction for DM searches
- Oscar Roberto Blanco Garcia (Universite de Paris-Sud 11 (FR))
- Alain Blondel (Universite de Geneve (CH))
- Marc Sebastian Blume (ETHZ)
- Mark Boland (Australian Synchrotron)
David Brown
- Speaker at Production of medical isotopes with linacs
(LAPP IN2P3 CNRS Universitรฉ de Savoie)
- Speaker at QD0 stabilisation news
Philip Burrows
(Oxford University)
- Speaker at IP feedback
Graeme Burt
(Cockcroft Institute)
- Speaker at X-band X-ray Tube Development for scanning
- Francisco Cabaleiro Magallanes (CERN)
- Lee Carver (U)
Gianluigi Casse
(University of Liverpool (GB))
- Speaker at Liverpool University R&D plans
Nuria Catalan Lasheras
- Speaker at Progress on XBox-2 and 3
- Glenn Christian (University of Oxford (GB))
- Roberto Cimino (Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare (IT))
Roberto Corsini
- Speaker at Beyond CTF
- Speaker at Beyond CTF3 - Introduction
Pedro Costa Pinto
- Speaker at CERN-MAXIV collaboration on vacuum design
- Katsu Coterra (Shinshu University)
- Anthony Dal Gobbo (CERN)
- Gerardo D'Auria (Elettra Trieste)
Massimiliano De Gaspari
- Speaker at Timepix3 and TSV status
Alberto Degiovanni
(TERA Foundation (IT))
- Speaker at Analysis of breakdown data from Xbox-1
Patrick de Jager
- Speaker at Nano-lithography applications
Steffen Doebert
- Speaker at Drive Beam Front-End update
- Speaker at High efficiency L-band klystrons for the drive beam linac
- Speaker at Potential uses for Drive Beam Front-End and AWAKE
Mustafa Dogan
- Speaker at Solid-state X-band preamplifier development
Alexey Dubrovskiy
(Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research (RU))
- Speaker at RF phase and amplitude studies in CTF3
- Francois Duval (CERN)
Jonathan R. Ellis
- Speaker at High energy frontier physics challenges
Jakob Esberg
- Speaker at Optimization of the longitudinal beam profile
- Speaker at Two-Beam module layout and optics
Wencheng Fang
(Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics)
- Speaker at C and X-band development at SINAP
- Wilfrid Farabolini (CEA/IRFU,Centre d'etude de Saclay Gif-sur-Yvette (FR))
Markus Frank
- Speaker at Status of DD4HEP
Thibault Frisson
- Speaker at Si-W ECAL
- Speaker at W DHCAL analysis
Davide Gamba
(University of Oxford (GB))
- Speaker at CTF3 orbit, tools and automatic tuning
- Nacho Garcia (IFIC)
Laura Garcia Fajardo
- Speaker at Nb3Sn wiggler design, test and plans
Hector Garcia Morales
(Universitat Politecnica Catalunya (ES))
- Speaker at A more competitive traditional FFS
Guglielmo Giambelli
(Politecnico di Milano (IT))
- Speaker at Latest FFS tuning results
- Fabiola Gianotti (CERN)
Christian Grefe
- Speaker at H->Zgamma and H->gammagamma at 1.4 TeV
- Speaker at Tracking Detectors
Alexej Grudiev
- Speaker at Additive machining for X-band applications
- Speaker at High Gradient proton accelerating structures
- Speaker at RF unit possibilities for FELs
- Igor Guzilov (vdbt)
Lutz Matthias Hein
- Speaker at Machine protection in the Decelerator
- Christoph Hessler (CERN)
Rolf Heuer
- Speaker at Welcome
- Toshiyasu Higo (KEK)
- Steffen Hillenbrand (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
Janne Holma
(University of Helsinki (FI))
- Speaker at Inductive adder development
Giovanni Iadarola
(CERN - University of Naples Federico II)
- Speaker at Electron cloud build-up for CLIC DR
- Marija Jankovic (University of Nottingham)
- Jochen Kaminski (Universitaet Bonn (DE))
Pavel Karataev
(University of London (GB))
- Speaker at Beam size measurements at ATF2
Pavel Karataev
(Royal Holloway, University of London)
- Speaker at Beam size measurements at ATF2
- Eirini Koukovini Platia (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (CH))
Kiyoshi Kubo
- Speaker at ATF2 status and plans
- Szymon Kulis (CERN)
Laktineh Laktineh
(Universite Claude Bernard-Lyon I (FR))
- Speaker at (S)DHCAL developments
- Andrea Latina (CERN)
- Philippe Lebrun (CERN)
- Yngve Inntjore Levinsen (CERN)
- Itamar Levy (Tel Aviv University (IL))
Aharon Levy
(Tel Aviv University (IL))
- Speaker at Publication Committee status
- itamar levy
Lucie Linssen
- Speaker at Detector R&D challenges for energy frontier physics
- Speaker at Wrap-up, news and plans
Strahinja Lukic
(University of Belgrade (RS))
- Speaker at Forward electron-tagging at ILC/CLIC
- Mikhail Lyablin (Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research (RU))
Helene Mainaud Durand
- Speaker at Introduction to the PACMAN project
- Speaker at QD0 and BDS pre-alignment
Vladimir Makarenko
(Byelorussian State University (BY))
- Speaker at New NLO generator for Bhabha scattering
- Eduardo Marin Lacoma (Universitat Politecnica Catalunya (ES))
John Marshall
(University of Cambridge)
- Speaker at ECAL Optimization Studies
Stefano Mazzoni
- Speaker at Beam instrumentation developments at CTF3
Gerard Mcmonagle
- Speaker at Decommissioning issues
Kelvin Mei
(University of Cambridge (UK))
- Speaker at Invisible Higgs decays
Antti Merlainen
(University of Helsinki)
- Speaker at Dynamic vacuum measurements
Gordana Milutinovic-Dumbelovic
(University of Belgrade (RS))
- Speaker at H->mumu at 1.4 TeV
- Michele Modena (CERN)
- Risto Montonen (University of Helsinki)
Astrid Munnich
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
- Speaker at H->tautau at 3 TeV (remote presentation)
- Jose Luis Navarro Quirante (CERN)
Inna Nesmiyan
- Speaker at Performance on DDS structures in the Linac
- Mauro Nonis (CERN)
- Francois-Xavier Nuiry (CERN)
- Mila Pandurovic (University of Belgrade (RS))
- Parthena Stefania Papadopoulou (University of Crete (GR))
- Yannis Papaphilippou (CERN)
- A. Patapenka (SOSNY)
- Marcin Patecki (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
Marco Pedrozzi
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
- Speaker at Xband applications in the SwissFel
- Dario Pellegrini (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (CH))
Ivan Peric
(Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg (DE))
- Speaker at HVCMOS/CLICpix CCPDV3 active sensor
Tobias Persson
- Speaker at CTF3 Operational procedures and feedbacks
Juergen Pfingstner
- Speaker at Studies on the main linac (TBC)
- Speaker at Towards a GM orbit feed-forard at ATF2
Sophie Redford
- Speaker at Timepix test-beam analysis
- Speaker at ttH at 1.4 TeV
juergen reuter
(DESY Hamburg, Germany)
- Speaker at Status of WHIZARD 2
- Germana Riddone (CERN)
Lenny Rivkin
(Paul Scherrer Institut (CH))
- Speaker at CB matters and closing remarks
- Jack Roberts (University of Oxford (GB))
Aidan Robson
(University of Glasgow (GB))
- Speaker at Higgs production in ZZ fusion
- David Rubin (Cornell University)
Giovanni Rumolo
- Speaker at Ion effects in low emittance rings
Stephan Russenschuck
- Speaker at Magnetic measurements for the PACMAN project
- S. Sadovich (SOSNY)
Andre Sailer
- Speaker at Forward Region Optimization
- Speaker at Status report on forward region studies at CLIC
Alexandre Samochkine
(Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research (RU))
- Speaker at Status of the CLIC two-beam module program
Shahin Sanaye Hajari
(Institute for Studies in Theo. Phys. and Mathematics (IR))
- Speaker at Drive Beam Injector Optimization
Wolf-Dieter Schlatter
- Speaker at Publication Committee status
- Daniel Schulte (CERN)
Markus Schwarz
- Speaker at Experiments with short bunches at ANKA
Felix Sefkow
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
- Speaker at AHCAL developments
- Speaker at HCAL Optimization
- luca serafini (INFN-Milan)
- Ben Sheperd (STFC)
- Nicholas Shipman (University of Manchester (GB))
Eva Sicking
- Speaker at W AHCAL analysis
Frank Simon
(Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik)
- Speaker at Physics at CLIC
- Speaker at Summary of the Institute Board meeting
Piotr Krzysztof Skowronski
- Speaker at CTF3 report and plans
Jochem Snuverink
- Speaker at Two beam tuning in the CLIC FFS
Jochem Snuverink
- Speaker at Simulations on WFS at ATF2
Steinar Stapnes
- Speaker at CB matters and closing remarks
- Speaker at CLIC accelerator overview
- Svetlomir Stavrev (CERN)
- Guillaume Stern (CERN)
- Igor Syratchev (CERN)
Marco Szalay
(Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut) (D)
- Speaker at H->bb/cc/gg at 350 GeV
Tohru Takeshita
(Shinshu University)
- Speaker at Scintillator Strip CAL for Linear Collider
- Sami Tantawi (SLAC)
Frank Tecker
- Speaker at CTF3 as lepton injector
- Speaker at CTF3 Experimental Program
Mark Andrew Thomson
(University of Cambridge (GB))
- Speaker at HZ->Hqq at 350 GeV
- Speaker at Status of the CLIC Higgs paper
Rogelio Tomas Garcia
- Speaker at ATF prospects and potential
- Mitsuru Uesaka (Nuclear Professional School, University of Tokyo)
- Mitsuru Uesaka (University of Tokyo)
- Mitsuru Uesaka (University of Tokyo)
Pierpaolo Valerio
- Speaker at CLICpix validation
Erik Van Der Kraaij
(University of Bergen (NO))
- Speaker at Speakers Committee status
- Miguel-Angel Villarejo Bermudez (Universidad de Valencia (ES))
- Marcel Vos (IFIC Valencia (ES))
Joost Vossebeld
(University of Liverpool (GB))
- Speaker at Liverpool University R&D plans
David Walsh
- Speaker at Bunch length monitor using EO techniques
- Manfred Wendt (Fermi Naional Accelerator Laboratory)
Ben Woolley
(Lancaster University (GB))
- Speaker at High-gradient testing in Xbox-1
- Walter Wuensch (CERN)
- Hao Zha (CERN)
- Panagiotis Zisopoulos (Uppsala University (SE))