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14–16 Apr 2008
Residencia CSIC-Generalitat de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
Europe/Zurich timezone

Liverpool charge collection results on RD50 p-type sensor sets

14 Apr 2008, 16:30
Residencia CSIC-Generalitat de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain

Residencia CSIC-Generalitat de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain

Residencia de Investigadores del CSIC-Generalitat de Catalunya Carrer Hospital, 64. E08001, Barcelona, Spain
Radiation hardness properties of p-type substrate silicon micro-strip detectors: neutron and proton irradiations P-type strip detectors 3


Dr Anthony Affolder (University of Liverpool)


Charge collection measurements from Liverpool on RD50 p-type sensors sets irradiated up to 1x10^16 neq/cm^2 with neutrons and protons will be presented. A comparison of the charge collection and bias current performances of thin (140 um) and thick (~300 um) p-type sensor will be shown.

Primary author

Dr Anthony Affolder (University of Liverpool)


Dr Gianluigi Casse (University of Liverpool) Prof. Phil Allport (University of Liverpool)

Presentation materials