Jaroslav Bielcik
(Czech Technical University (CZ))
In relativistic heavy ion collisions at RHIC, heavy quarks
are expected to be created from initial hard scatterings.
The interaction between heavy quarks and the
medium is sensitive to the early medium dynamics, therefore
heavy quarks are suggested as an ideal probe to quantify
the properties of the strongly interacting QCD matter.
In this talk, we report on recent STAR results of open heavy flavor
production at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ =39, 62.4, 193, 200 and 500 GeV
in p+p, Au+Au and U+U collisions. We present nuclear modification
factor and elliptic flow of open charm mesons and non-photonic electrons.
Primary author
Jaroslav Bielcik
(Czech Technical University (CZ))