Sep 14 – 20, 2014
Kolymbari, Crete, Greece
Europe/Athens timezone


Details of the payment

Conference fee:
225 EUR for early registrations (before May 15)
275 EUR for regular registrations
125 EUR for students

The conference fee includes: Conference Proceedings; Conference Reception on the occasion of the 65th Birthday of Prof. Laszlo Csernai; Conference Dinner and Excursion.

Accommodation at OAC (full board, coffee breaks and conference facilities) is
115 Euros per day per person in a single occupation room;
90 Euros per person per day in a double room.

The cost for accompanying persons staying in OAC and sharing a double room is 60 Euros per day including accommodation and meals.

How to make payments of conference fee

Online payment
The conference fee can be paid via e-payment using your Visa or Mastercard 

Via bank transfer to
"Academia Europaea - Bergen "
DNB bank
Torgallmenningen 2, 5020 BERGEN
(Norsk Kontonummer: 15034464135)
Account number - IBAN: NO42 1503 4464 135

with the following message:

Workshop on Collectivity, [Name of the participant]

Alternatively, if online payment is not possible, the conference fee can be paid in cash in place upon arrival.

Please note: failure to pay the conference fee upon arrival will result in a "late registration fee" penalty of 50 EUR.

How to make payments for OAC

Payments for the OAC can be made in one of the following ways:
  1. In cash (in Euros only). Note that there is a bank with an ATM in Kolymbari accepting VISA, Master, and Maestro cards.
  2. By Credit Card (Mastercard or Visa)
  3. By bank transfer to the OAC Bank Account  
For Bank Transfers the participants should make sure to provide:
  1. Name
  2. Name of conference
  3. Dates of conference
Please make sure to send to OAC email with confirmation of payment.

OAC bank account

Cooperative Bank of Chania

Account holder: Orthodox Academy of Crete

Account No.: 113505004

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