1–3 Mar 2006
Europe/Zurich timezone

Application of the Grid to Pharmacokinetic Modelling of Contrast Agents in Abdominal Imaging

1 Mar 2006, 17:30
40-SS-C01 (CERN)



Oral contribution Life Science 1a: Life Sciences


Dr Ignacio Blanquer (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia)


The liver is the largest organ of the abdomen and there are a large number of lesions affecting it. Both benign and malignant tumours arise within it. The liver is also the target organ for most solid tumours metastasis. Angiogenesis is quite an important marker of tumour aggressiveness and response to therapy. The blood supply to the liver is derived jointly from the hepatic arteries and the portal venous system. Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging (DCE-MRI) is extensively used for the detection of primary and metastatic hepatic tumours. However, the assessment of early stages of the malignancy and other diseases like cirrhosis require the quantitative evaluation of the hepatic arterial supply. To achieve this goal, it is important to develop precise pharmacokinetic approaches to the analysis of the hepatic perfusion. The influence of breathing, the large number of pharmacokinetic parameters and the fast variations in contrast concentration in the first moments after contrast injection reduce the efficiency of traditional approaches. On the other hand, the traditional radiological analysis requires the acquisition of images covering the whole liver, which greatly reduces the time resolution for the pharmacokinetic curves. The combination of all these adverse factors makes very challenging the analytical study of liver DCE-MRI data. The final objective of the work we present here is to provide the users with a tool to optimally select the parameters that describe the farmacokinetic model of the liver. This tool will use the Grid as a source of computing power and will offer a simply and user-friendly interface. The tool enables the execution of large sets of co-registration actions varying the values of the different parameters, easing the process of transferring the source data and the results. Since Grid concept is mainly batch (and the co-registration is not an interactive process due to its long duration), it must provide with a simply way to monitor the status of the processing. Finally the process must be achieved in the shorter time possible, considering the resources available.


  1. The Medical Scenario

1.1. Pharmacokinetic Modelling
The pharmacokinetic modelling of the images obtained after a quick administration of
a bolus of extracellular gadolinium chelates contrast can have a deep impact on the
diagnosis and the evaluation of different pathogen entities.
Pharmacokinetic models are designed to forecast the evolution of an endogenous or
exogenous component on the tissues. To follow-up the evolution of the contrast agent
a sequence of MRI volumetric images is obtained at different times following the
injection of contrast. Each of these images comprises a series of image slices that
cover the body part explored. Since the whole process takes a few minutes, images are
obtained in different break-hold periods. This movement of the patient produces
artefacts that make images directly incomparable.
The study of pharmacokinetic models for the analysis of hepatic tumours is an
outstanding example of the above. A prerequisite for the computation of the
parameters that govern the model is the reduction of the deformation of the organs in
the obtained images. This process can be performed by co-registering all the
volumetric images with respect to the first one.

1.2. Co-registration
The co-registration of images consists on aligning the voxels of two or more images
in the same geometrical space by using the necessary transformations to make the
floating images as much as possible similar to the reference image.
In general terms, the registration process could be rigid or deformable. Rigid
registration only uses affine transformations (displacements, rotations, scaling) to
the floating images. Deformable registration enables the use of elastic deformations
on the floating images. Rigid registration introduces fewer artefacts, but it can
only be used when dealing with body parts in which the level of internal deformation
is lower (e.g. the head). Deformable registration could introduce unrealistic
artefacts, but is the only one that could compensate the deformation of elastic
organs (e.g. in the abdomen). Registration in 3D is necessary in this case, since the
deformation happens in the three axes. This is an extremely time-consuming process.

1.3 Post processing
Although the co-registration of images is a computationally complex process which
must be performed before the analysis of the images, it is not the only task that
needs high performance computing. Extracting the parameters that define the model and
computing the transfer rates for each voxel in the space will require large computing
The process of identification of the parameters consists on solving an
over-determined non-linear system of equations for each voxel on the image. This
process is computing intensive considering the amount of voxels of the images (on the
order of 6 millions per study). This process is highly parallel.

  1. Grid Application
    In order to provide the necessary computing power to solve the co-registration and
    the identification of the parameters, an application has been developed. This
    application has been implemented considering the following points:
    • Provide high performance. Be prepared to use a large Grid infrastructure to provide
    the computational power.
    • Usability. Reduce the complexity of the use of Grids by means of a user-friendly
    interface. This interface must be open to its integration in other applications. The
    choice is to implement a web-services based portal.
    • Security. The program must deal with the risks of using remote resources.
    Anonymisation is required and access control is very important.
    • Reliability. The application must provide production capability, so assistance to
    the Resource Broker must be provided on selecting the sites.

This Grid application uses a graphical user interface that calls web services that
implement the different tasks. This application is based on previous developments [2][3].
• Creating the proxy on the grid. Users have a certificate stored in the UI. The
private key is provided by the user and a proxy is created remotely on the UI.
• Transferring the data into the Grid. The user gets the images from local disks or a
scanner, transferring them to the FTP server of the UI. The data is copied to the SEs.
• Select the ranges of the parameters to test. The users can select the range of the
values of the input parameters (Maximum step length for the gradient descent
optimisator, Maximum number of iterations for the optimiser, Initial scaling factor
and Initial angle for deformation) that will be used for the jobs to be launched.
• Create the JDLs and define the arguments for the scripts of each job (One job per
registration and per combination of parameters).
• Run the jobs and retrieve the data to the Working Nodes.
• Monitoring of the evolution of a set of jobs.
• Downloading the output of all the jobs in a group with a single click. This implies
downloading the results, which were uploaded in the Storage Resources by the jobs, to
the UI, and from it back to the FTP server and the application.

  1. Results
    The results obtained can be considered in terms of performance and scientific
    results. The results presented in this section are related to the images from a
    clinical trial with 20 patients obtained at the Hospital Dr. Peset for this work.
    Considering the performance, the required time to perform a registration of a
    volumetric image in a PIII at 866 Mhz with 512 MB of RAM is approximately 1 hour and
    27 minutes. Considering that the complete study performed involved 20 patients the
    total cost would be 2331h 22m. Using a 20-procs computing farm the complete process
    took 132h 50m. The computational cost using the Grid was 17h 35m.
    The overhead of Grids is due to the use of secure protocols, remote and distributed
    storage resources and the scheduling overhead, which is in the order of minutes due
    to the monitoring policies which are implemented in a poll fashion.
    Regarding the scientific results obtained.

  2. Conclusions and Future Plans
    The computing requirements for a reduced clinical trial of 20 patients exceeds the
    conventional computational capabilities of either a hospital or a research team.
    Moreover, the need for computing is not constant and only after the clinical trials.
    Thus, there is a need for a production platform with a high degree of reliability,
    such as EGEE [1]. On the other side, the use of gLite is justified by the need for
    access control in data and metadata and the improved metadata management.
    The work is being completed with the implementation of the model parameters
    computation on the Grid, which is also a time-consuming process and which could be
    easily speed-up by the use of the Grid.

  3. References

[1] EGEE. Enabling Grids in E-SciencE. http://www.eu-egee.org
[2] I. Blanquer, V. Hernandez, D. Segrelles, M. Robles, J. M. Garcia, J. V. Robledo,
“Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) in Grid Environments”. From Grid to
HealthGrid (ISBN 1-58603-510-X), Vol: 112, pp: 80-89, 2005 IOS Press.
[3] Ignacio Blanquer, Vicente Hernández, Ferran Mas, Damià Segrelles, “A Framework
Based on Web Services and Grid Technologies for Medical Image Registration”. Lecture
Notes in Bioinformatics, ISSN 0302-9743, vol 3745, pp 22-33, Sptringer 2005.


Prof. Bernardo Celda (Universidad de Valencia Estudi General) Mr Damià Segrelles (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia) Dr Daniel Monleón (Universidad de Valencia Estudi General) Mr David Moratal (David Moratalb) Dr Ignacio Blanquer (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia) Mr José Carbonell (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia) Dr Luis Martí-Bonmatí (Hospital Universitario Dr. Peset) Dr Montserrat Robles (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia) Dr Vicente Hernández (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia)

Presentation materials