9–12 Sept 2014
Europe/Paris timezone
The deadline for proceedings submission has been extended to February 2nd 2015 (for more details please check the link on the left)

Recent quarkonia results from the PHENIX experiment at RHIC

9 Sept 2014, 10:15
Pascal Auditorium (SUBATECH Nantes)

Pascal Auditorium


La Chantrerie 4 Rur Alfred Kastler 44307 Nantes Cedex 3
Oral presentation Heavy flavor and quarkonia I


Alexandre Lebedev (Department of Physics and Astronomy-Iowa State University-Unknow)


The measurement of quarkonia production in relativistic heavy ion collisions provides a powerful tool for studying the properties of the hot and dense matter created in these collisions. To be really useful, however, such measurements must cover a wide range of quarkonia states, collision energies and colliding species. In this talk I will present recent results from the PHENIX collaboration on quarkonia production in different nucleus-nucleus collisions at various energies in a wide rapidity range, their interpretation, and comparison to p+p collisions.


Alexandre Lebedev (Department of Physics and Astronomy-Iowa State University-Unknow)

Presentation materials