9–12 Sept 2014
Europe/Paris timezone
The deadline for proceedings submission has been extended to February 2nd 2015 (for more details please check the link on the left)


Registration Form

Opened 12 May 2014
Closed 31 Aug 2014
Contact info

CONFERENCE FEE: The regular workshop fee is 150€. Any accompanying person willing to join the social event and/or dinner, will have to pay the corresponding fee: 25€ and 70€ respectively (included for regular participant). We will be offering a limited number of financial supports for PhD students and young postdocs (within two years of the completion of their Ph.D). In order to apply, please send a recommendation letter to us at: hpt2014@subatech.in2p3.fr or upload it using the registration form. The workshop fee covers the participation at the workshop, coffee breaks, lunches, workshop dinner, as well as the workshop proceedings. You will receive the payment details after the registration process has been completed an validated (It will likely take few days). This will be done via an email from azur-colloque.fr asking you to fill a form located here: http://dr17.azur-colloque.cnrs.fr/valider-inscription.php?colloque=74〈=en with all of your payment related information. ABSTRACT: Please submit your abstract using the corresponding link on the left. VISA: Workshop participants are requested to familiarize themselves with visa requirements well in advance of the workshop. Letters of invitation for visa purposes will be available upon request in the registration form. BEFORE YOU REGISTER, PLEASE NOTE: - You need to have a regular or a LightWeight CERN account in order to register for the conference. In case you do not have any of those accounts, you can create a CERN LightWeight Account here: https://account.cern.ch/account/Externals/RegisterAccount.aspx - Your registration is only valid after the payment has been received. - Please be aware that you have to take care of arranging accommodation yourself. A list of accommodation options can be found under the corresponding link on the left.

Registration is closed
The registration period has passed.