Heavy flavor and quarkonia I
- Andreas Morsch (CERN)
Alexandre Lebedev
(Department of Physics and Astronomy-Iowa State University-Unknow)
09/09/2014, 10:15
Oral presentation
The measurement of quarkonia production in relativistic heavy ion
collisions provides a powerful tool for studying the properties of
the hot and dense matter created in these collisions.
To be really useful, however, such measurements must cover a wide
range of quarkonia states, collision energies and colliding species.
In this talk I will present recent results from the PHENIX...
Daniel Kikola
(Warsaw University of Technology)
09/09/2014, 11:25
Oral presentation
Pol Gossiaux
09/09/2014, 12:05
Oral presentation
The mass dependence of particle production at intermediate transverse momentum in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions provides a unique opportunity to better constrain the models of parton energy loss in the quark gluon plasma. This mass-hierarchy, first observed for most central collisions at LHC, has been recently extended to several classes of centrality, combining D-mesons nuclear...