QCD and medium effect
- Jan Rak (University of Jyvaskyla (FI))
Michael Tannenbaum
(Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
10/09/2014, 09:00
Oral presentation
The many different theoretical studies of energy loss of a quark or gluon with their color charges fully exposed passing through a medium with a large density of similarly exposed color charges (i.e. a QGP), have one thing in common: the transport coefficient of a gluon in the medium, denoted $\hat{q}$, which is defined from the mean 4-momentum transfer$^2$/collision but is expressed as the...
Stephane Peigne
10/09/2014, 10:30
Oral presentation
Recent results on the coherent energy loss of an energetic compact partonic system crossing a cold nucleus are reviewed. Coherent energy loss strongly affects hadron production rates in nuclear (p-A, A-A) collisions, such as quarkonium, but also light hadron production. It also provides an interesting template for long-distance but however process-dependent effects in QCD.
haitham Zaraket
(Lebanese University)
10/09/2014, 11:10
Oral presentation
Multiple scattering is the main process that is proposed for jet quenching in AA collision.
Random multiple scattering leads to a very weak energy dependence of the jet energy loss
and to an $L^2$ dependence. Energy dependent energy loss was attributed to a single scattering
term in some formalisms and it was missing in other formalisms.
Recently a model was proposed where besides...