5–7 May 2014
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

On a singular solution in Higgs field (7) – The stiffness of candidate for dark energy, and the matter-antimatter consumption by candidate for dark matter

5 May 2014, 17:30
Benedum Hall G26 (University of Pittsburgh)

Benedum Hall G26

University of Pittsburgh


Kazuyoshi Kitazawa (Risp Japan)


Recently we discussed the degenerates into the candidates for dark matter (DM) and for dark energy (DE) from ur-Higgs boson 1, and also a long time behavior of DE 2. In this talk we at first study the stiffness of DE, by which the disruption interval of DE (i.e., expansion interval of the universe) would be determined. After calculating a critical collision number by considering the saturated energy under local micro deformation of DE, we describe a formula for the disruption interval, the disruption timing, and so on. Finally we propose a scenario of matter-antimatter (M-A) consumption by DM, which has resulted to emit only matter in the early universe. Where some constituent parts of DM neighboring M-A would have interacted with the M-A through the interplay of reunion process between their light quarks for each flavor; hence finally washed out itself and M-A into certain matter whose content is to be in accordance with the result of Planck 2013. 1: PoS(EPS-HEP 2013)002 2: DPF2013(Santa Cruz)_75

Primary author

Kazuyoshi Kitazawa (Risp Japan)

Presentation materials