Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

5–7 May 2014
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

Effective Lagrangians for Higgs Physics

6 May 2014, 17:00
Benedum Hall G30 (University of Pittsburgh)

Benedum Hall G30

University of Pittsburgh


Mr Tyler Corbett (YITP Stony Brook)


A discussion of the role of Effective Lagrangians in current Higgs Physics. The talk will follow the publications: arXiv:1311.1823, 1304.1151, 1211.4580, and 1207.1344

Primary author

Mr Tyler Corbett (YITP Stony Brook)


Mr Gonzalez-Fraile J (U Barcelona) Dr I Brivio (IFT,UAM) Dr M.B. Gavela (IFT-UAM) Dr M.C. Gonzalez-Garcia (YITP Stony Brook) Dr Merlo L (IFT UAM) Dr Rigolin S (Universita di Padova) Dr Éboli O.J.P. (Instituto de Física, Universidade de São Paulo)

Presentation materials