Systems, Planning, Installation, Commissioning and Running Experience: B1a
- Geoff Hall (Imperial College Sci., Tech. & Med. (GB))
Systems, Planning, Installation, Commissioning and Running Experience: B1b
- Geoff Hall (Imperial College Sci., Tech. & Med. (GB))
Systems, Planning, Installation, Commissioning and Running Experience: B2
- Lutz Feld (Rheinisch-Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE))
Systems, Planning, Installation, Commissioning and Running Experience: B3a
- Magnus Hansen (CERN)
Systems, Planning, Installation, Commissioning and Running Experience: B3b
- Magnus Hansen (CERN)
Systems, Planning, Installation, Commissioning and Running Experience: B4a
- Wesley Smith (University of Wisconsin (US))
Andrew James Whitbeck
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
23/09/2014, 09:50
The VME-based data acquisition electronics of the CMS hadron calorimeters will be replaced with a μTCA-based system starting in 2014 and continuing through 2018. The primary new components are the μHTR and AMC13 modules. The μHTR buffers data from the detector and creates trigger primitives. The AMC13 accepts the clock and trigger from the global DAQ system, distributes the clock to the...
Giulio Usai
(University of Texas at Arlington (US))
23/09/2014, 10:15
The Tile Calorimeter (TileCal) of the ATLAS experiment is the hadronic calorimeter designed for energy reconstruction of hadrons, jets, tau-particles and missing transverse energy. An overview of the on-detector and off-detector TileCal electronics used for ATLAS data taking is given. Upgrade plans for TileCal electronics for the High Luminosity LHC programme in 2024 are discussed, together...
Remi Jean Noel Cornat
(Ecole Polytechnique (FR))
23/09/2014, 11:10
Particle Flow Algorithm (PFA) and highly granular
calorimeters can achieve the best jet energy resolution aiming at precise physics measurements. As shown by years of R&D within the CALICE collaboration the silicon-tungsten imaging electromagnetic calorimeter provides the best
granularity, stability and jet resolution. Our concept has been selected to compete for the upgrade of the CMS...
Isabel Ojalvo
(University of Wisconsin (US))
23/09/2014, 11:35
In 2015 the LHC will resume operations with a center-of-mass energy at 13 TeV and significantly higher Pile Up than previous runs at the LHC. In order to operate under these challenging conditions, CMS is upgrading its calorimeter trigger in two stages: the Stage 1 upgrade will be used in 2015 and integrated with the legacy system. Scheduled for 2016, Stage 2 will have an improved position and...
Jason Gilmore
(Texas A & M University (US))
23/09/2014, 14:50
We have built and installed new front-end trigger electronics for the Cathode Strip Chambers in the CMS Endcap Muon system that will efficiently handle the increased data rate in the forthcoming High Luminosity LHC accelerator upgrade. Maintaining trigger efficiency in the forward region requires deployment of higher performance electronics and an improved trigger algorithm. We report on the...
yifan yang
(Universite Libre de Bruxelles)
23/09/2014, 15:15
We will present the readout system being designed for the LCTPC (Large Prototype TPC) for the future ILC. A CPLD resident on a MCM(Multi-chip Module) board will be used to concentrate data from 8 SALTRO chips on the same board and transfer them to a SRU(Scalable Readout Unit) via a serial DTC(data, trigger, control) link, in the final system there will be 75 MCM boards sit on 3 pad module...
Chengxin Zhao
(University of Oslo (NO))
23/09/2014, 15:40
This paper will present the first results from irradiation tests performed on the ALICE TPC Readout Control Unit 2 (RCU2). The RCU2 is developed in order to double the readout speed with respect to the present RCU1, which then will fulfill the requirements for LHC RUN2.
While the present RCU1 is based on an SRAM based FPGA, which configuration memory has shown to be sensitive to single event...
Dimitrios Marios Kolotouros
(University of Ioannina (GR))
24/09/2014, 09:50
A new generation FPGA-based Timing-Trigger and Control (TTC) system based on emerging Passive Optical Network (PON) technology is being proposed to replace the existing off-detector TTC system used by the LHC experiments. High split ratio, dynamic software partitioning, low and deterministic latency, as well as low jitter are required. Exploiting the latest available technologies allows...
Mark Pesaresi
(Imperial College Sci., Tech. & Med. (GB))
24/09/2014, 10:15
The FC7 is a flexible, μTCA compatible Advanced Mezzanine Card (AMC) for generic data acquisition/control applications. Built around the Xilinx Kintex 7 FPGA, the FC7 provides developers with a platform which has access to a large array of configurable I/O, primarily delivered from onboard FPGA Mezzanine Card (FMC) headers. Targeting users of high speed optical links in high energy physics...
Rui Gao
(University of Oxford (GB))
24/09/2014, 11:10
The TORCH detector is proposed for the low-momentum particle identification upgrade of the LHCb experiment. It combines Time-Of-Flight and Cherenkov techniques to achieve particle separation up to 10GeV/c. This requires a timing resolution of 70ps for single photons. Existing electronics has already demonstrated a 26ps intrinsic timing resolution, however the channel density needs improvements...
Antonio Orzelli
(INFN Genova)
24/09/2014, 11:35
The KM3NeT neutrino telescope will be composed of many optical modules, each of them containing 31 (3") photomultipliers, connected to a Central Logic Board. The Central Logic Board integrates Time to Digital Converters that measure Time Over Threshold of the photomultipliers signals while White Rabbit is used for the optical modules time synchronization. Auxiliary boards have also been...
Manfred Kirchgessner
(University Heidelberg)
24/09/2014, 14:00
The readout chain of the DSSC 1Megapixel detector currently built at DESY, Hamburg for the European X-Ray Free Electron Laser XFEL.EU is described.
The system operates in a pulsed mode comparable to the new ILC. 800 images of 1Megapixels (9 bit per pixel) are produced at a rate of 10 Hz leading to a total throughput requirement of 144 GBit/s.
In order to deal with the high data rates, the...
Tom Williams
(University of Bristol (GB))
24/09/2014, 14:25
The xTCA standards define pathways for control communication, but no specific hardware control protocol is defined. The IPbus suite of software and firmware implements a reliable high-performance control link for particle physics electronics, and has succesfully replaced VME control in several large projects. In this talk, we outline the IPbus system architecture, and describe recent...