Anton Andronic
(Gesellschaft fuer Schwerionenforschung mbH (GSI))
In our model, both the light (u,d,s) quark sector and charm(onium)
have found a unified description, thus providing very different
probes for a possible delineation of the phase boundary between
deconfined and hadronic matter produced in nucleus-nucleus collisions
from low (AGS) energies up to RHIC energy.
A purely thermal production (at chemical freeze-out) appears natural
for u,d,s-carrying hadrons and a good degree of consensus has been
achieved with the RHIC data, at least for central collisions.
We are rather confident in predicting the chemistry of ligh-quark
hadrons at the LHC.
In contrast, charmed hadrons and charmonia can be produced
at chemical freeze-out only as a result of a "distribution" into
hadrons of charm quarks produced in primary hard collisions.
Our model describes rather well the RHIC and SPS data on charmonia,
which will be reviewed briefly.
We expect that generation at the phase boundary is at the LHC the
exclusive mechanism (thus lifting the present controversy whether
charmonia melt or not in the deconfined stage at RHIC and SPS
With some of the model ingredients (like the volume at chemical
freeze-out) already constrained by the first LHC data, the main
uncertainty in our predictions remains the charm cross section
in Pb-Pb, where shadowing is not yet known.
In addition to the overall hadron abundancies, including those of
light (hyper)nuclei and their antiparticles, we provide predictions
for charmonia and for charmed hadrons, to be confronted soon with
the LHC data.
Anton Andronic
(Gesellschaft fuer Schwerionenforschung mbH (GSI))
Johanna Stachel
(University of Heidelberg)
Krzysztof Redlich
(Wroclaw University)
Peter Braun-Munzinger