Ratio of J/Psi to Rho Photoproduction Cross Sections at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider with STAR

Not scheduled
Théâtre National (Centre Bonlieu)

Théâtre National

Centre Bonlieu

Board: 55
Poster Heavy flavor and quarkonia production


Dr Janet Seger (Creighton University)


The intense electromagnetic fields associated with relativistic heavy ions make a heavy-ion collider a unique tool to study two-photon and photonuclear interactions. In this talk, we present a new measurement of J/psi photoproduction in 200 GeV AuAu collisions at RHIC. The pT distribution of the J/psi mesons peaks at very low pT, consistent with expectations for coherent photoproduction. Both the photoproduction cross section and the J/psi rapidity distribution are expected to show the effects of gluon shadowing. We present a measurement of the ratio of J/psi to rho^0 meson cross sections in 200 GeV AuAu collisions, as well as a distribution of rapidity within |y| < 1 for the J/psi mesons. The measured results are compared to theoretical models.

Primary author

Dr Janet Seger (Creighton University)

Presentation materials